samedi 9 novembre 2013

So I Opened a 529 Account For a Kid Who Doesn't Exist





Hahaha, what? I mean, not to say it’s a bad idea, because I have no idea. Sounds terrific. But never would have occurred to me. I hope it gets more aggressive for your future possible relative.

honey cowl (#1,510)

Yayyyyyy! You are such an adult! PS my father’s wily and intelligent 529 ways are the reason I went to undergrad debt free. <3 u dad.

deepomega (#22)

This is a great idea. Just a heads up, because I went thru this: I believe you can only rename the beneficiary to someone in the same generation, or younger, as the original beneficiary. Since this is in your name, you’re fine, but for other Billfoldians – it’s possible to end up with an account you can’t really take advantage of.

Note that your worst case scenario is just paying capital gains on it, like Real Rich Person. You still get the money! Just taxed!

cryptolect (#1,135)

@deepomega I had no idea… My backup plan, in case my infant son turns out not to be the intellectual type, was to use his 529 to go to pastry-making school. Or something. I hadn’t given it a ton of thought.

EA_Mann (#5,000)

@deepomega you pay taxes plus a 10% penalty on any capital gains if it’s not used by the right beneficiary for college. Since the principal is already taxed you can pull that out penalty free

EA_Mann (#5,000)

Wow I never would have thought of that! I’m sitting here like a sucker waiting for my newborns social security number to come in.

I found the whole ‘every state has one but don’t worry about that you can use whatever’ to be really confusing. My states plan’s benefits weren’t worth the higher fees. Better to just find a company that has a good plan and ignore which state it is attached to.

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